Frequently Asked Questions

What if I feel more anxious? I don’t feel depressed.

Postpartum Anxiety (PPA) is just as common (if not more), as Postpartum Depression. Many Moms may feel hypervigilant or very preoccupied with the Baby’s well-being. How could you not, right? It’s quite possibly the first time you are totally responsible for someone else other than yourself. However, if you feel like your anxiety regarding the baby is so overwhelming that it is affecting your own functioning, you can benefit from talking to a Therapist, about how you are feeling.


How do I know if my Anxiety or Depression is affecting my own well-being and functioning?

Contrary to what you hear, “sleeping when the baby is sleeping,” is not so simple! Furthermore, many Moms state, “I can’t nap during the day.” That is ok! Many people struggle with shutting down their active minds during the day. However, if you find that at night when the baby is sleeping and you are not able to, that is a sign of Postpartum Anxiety.


I’ve never been to Therapy. What’s it like?

I’ve been told I’m pretty easy to open up to. I like to think that is because I begin my sessions with my warm empathy while validating your thoughts and feelings, and providing you with non- judgmental, safe place to discuss past or present concerns. I take great pride in the Psychoeducation I provide to my patients and work on realistic and practical interventions for you to leave my office with. Your story is important to me and is unique, however please know, there is nothing you tell me that will surprise me or make me judge you. You are not your thoughts or feelings. I will make you feel welcome, whether it is your first time in therapy or you’ve been to several.


I’m seeing a Therapist already. Can I see you as well for my Reproductive and Perinatal concerns?

Absolutely. In fact, if your Therapist is not experienced or passionate about this type of Therapy, they would probably be happy to know you are talking to someone else. You can talk to more than one Therapist at a time. We can focus primarily on the Reproductive and/or Perinatal concerns you may have.

Can I bring my baby? My partner? 

Absolutely! Our office is a one floor office so you can bring a stroller, car seat, or bring baby in on your hip or in your arms. You can feed, pump, change a diaper, or play with baby on the floor and of course, we will join you on the floor! 

We welcome and encourage you to bring in your partner. You may want us to offer you support explaining your concerns to your partner. We can guide you in discussions regarding parenting, your diagnosis, and most importantly, validating, normalizing, and educating about your diagnosis, treatment, or interventions. Of course, YOU will be the patient so nothing you want confidential between your Therapist and yourself will be honored.

How much are sessions?

Initial Individual, couples, and family sessions are $150 for 1 hour session. We usually schedule Initial appointments during a time that if needed, the session will go slightly over an hour. There is no extra charge for these extra 10-15 minutes. We want to capture the most from your first session, and if that means spending a bit more time with you, that benefits both parties. 

Follow-up sessions are $150 for 50 minute sessions. The last 10 minutes go to documenting in your chart and processing your payment.

Do you take insurance? What about Reimbursement? 

We don’t take insurance due to the limitations that insurance places on Therapy. There is more privacy, confidentiality for our patients this way. We don’t like to be told by an insurance company how often to see you and how to treat your concerns.

However, we can absolutely provide you with a “SuperBill,” which is a Receipt of your charges that allows you to submit to your insurance provider if they offer out-of-network reimbursement. Please know, this means that a Diagnosis code will be needed in order for you to be reimbursed. This is a standard insurance reimbursement practice.