Terminations for Medical Reasons (TFMR)

The word, “Termination,” sounds awful to the Mom who has to make the gut-wrenching decision a Mother must make when discovering a medical diagnosis putting the Mom and/or baby at risk of not surviving the pregnancy or that will result in a stillbirth or death shortly after birth. This also includes finding out your baby has a medical diagnosis that is described in more awful language of, “incompatible with life.” These words and phrases change the life of the Mother forever. Although this is none of Mom’s fault, it doesn’t stop the thought and feelings of guilt. A limited source of support of the wrong kind of support can further spiral Mom into feeling worse. I am here to provide you with validation and compassion towards this awful parental decision you wish you didn’t have to make. I can also provide you with lo al and online supports for this to ensure you get the right support.