Pregnancy Mood Concerns

Pregnancy is challenging on the mind and body. A pregnancy, whether planned or unplanned, opens up Women to a new level of vulnerability and demands, from frequent medical appointments to unwanted advice (and touch) from others, to triggers and fears of miscarriage, upcoming L&D, and transitioning to Motherhood. All pregnancies come with a level of stress, but anxiety and depression, especially if experienced before, can interfere with an expecting Mother’s well-being. In fact, Depression and Anxiety or other forms of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD), is THE most common Perinatal complication! My hope is that knowing how common this is doesn’t discount YOUR experience, but frees you from labeling or doubting yourself. Your Pregnancy and Your Baby are two different things. You are providing your baby a home, but you are entitled to not enjoy your pregnancy, no matter what anyone says. Your thoughts and feelings do not define you as an Expecting Mother or in your Postpartum period.